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Sewer Line Repair

The sewer lines that run to and from our homes play an integral role in delivering a clean, usable water supply for the household. Having a broken sewer line system can be detrimental to the water that supplies your home, so ensuring that you have a quality sewer line in place is essential.


The master technicians at Hicks Plumbing Services can provide you with expert sewer line repairs at competitive rates to get your water pumping as good as ever while still staying within the scope of your budget. Our professional plumbers can help you diagnose your sewer line problems and repair them in a timely manner.


Sewer line repairs are not cheap to say the least. However, there are many factors that can affect what your resulting repair bill will look like and whether it be more or less costly to you. Here are three factors that can affect the cost of your home’s sewer line repair cost:

Obstacles & Obstructions

A big factor that can result in a higher sewer line repair bill is if there are any obstacles that are in the way of digging or obstructions, such as tree roots, that can force their way into the actual pipeline and cause cracks in the pipe.


If you suspect that you may have an obstruction in your sewer lines, consider hiring a professional plumber to perform a sewer line camera inspection before booking a repair/replacement job.


The great news is that even with some obstacles and obstructions in the way, Hicks Plumbing is able to utilize an advanced plumbing technique called trenchless plumbing to access your sewer line from a single entry point instead of having to dig up your entire yard. This can significantly lower the cost of your sewer line repairs.


Another factor that can affect your sewer line replacement costs is the distance that is required for repairs/replacements. Small repairs are normally an exception because this usually requires a few replacement pipes.


However, if you have found that you may need to replace and reinstall a brand new sewer line because the current sewer line has depreciated too far for repair, it may require more labor and materials such as pipes which will raise the cost of your repair.

Extent of the Damage

Lastly, and probably the most obvious factor of costs is the extent of the damage within your sewer line. Depending on the damage analysis upon inspection, your technician may suggest a small repair focused on one or two portions of the sewer line or may suggest a larger replacement job.


This is precisely why we recommend scheduling an inspection beforehand so we can offer you the best possible solution at a reasonable price.

Hicks Plumbing Services: Professional Sewer Line Repairs in Fairfax, VA

Hiring the right company to come and inspect, repair, and/or replace your sewer lines is vital to getting the job done right on the very first time. Hicks Plumbing Services has been providing reliable sewer repairs in Fairfax, VA and the surrounding Northern, VA area for over 25 years.


If you are interested in hiring a dependable plumbing company to come and fix your sewer lines, call the professionals at Hicks Plumbing Services at (703) 803-7466 or schedule an appointment to get your repairs completed as soon as possible.