Hydro Jetting & HydroVAC Excavations

Hydro Jetting
Do you have plumbing fixtures such as faucets and shower heads with low water pressure? These are common signs that may indicate a need for hydro jetting services.
Over time, your plumbing lines leading to and from your plumbing fixtures can collect debris, ultimately leading to significant blockages and hindrances.
Without a clear channel for the water to flow through, the water will have a hard time reaching your fixtures such as shower heads and faucets throughout the house. Dealing with a low pressure faucet or shower head can be frustrating.
Hicks Plumbing Services can provide expert technicians that specialize in hydro jetting and hydroVAC procedures to clear your sewer pipe lines of any blockages & debris restoring your water pressure levels back to optimal levels.
Hicks Plumbing has been providing the highest quality service for over 30 years and we are fully qualified and licensed plumbers.
HydroVAC Excavations
HydroVAC plumbing has been around for some time but has significantly improved its technology over the years.
Our expert hydroVAC technicians use high-pressurized water to excavate the ground & soil surrounding your plumbing sewer lines. The dirt and debris are then collected in a specialized tank to minimize the mess.
HydroVAC procedures are also much safer for not only our technicians but the environment as well as it helps preserve the land far better than manual excavating with shovels and bulldozers would.